2023 ARRL Alaska Summer Field Day


  • 📡 The ARRL field day in Alaska had a great turnout with antennas everywhere.
  • 📻 "So Sean is running the 7300 - I used to have this radio. It's great radio."
  • ⚡ John is using a unique and potentially effective antenna setup, highlighting the experimentation and innovation within the ham radio community.
  • 📡 The VHF Guru designed his own antennas using unconventional materials like copper pipe and quarter inch tubing, showcasing creativity and resourcefulness in the field of ham radio.
  • 🌐 "Band conditions are kind of horrible." - Poor band conditions can make it difficult to establish communication in ham radio.
  • 🌬️ "The wind wasn't that bad it was actually pretty calm."
  • 🎙️ "A lot of new people who are interested in ham radio came, which is always a great thing."

Despite challenges with the bands and some minor setbacks, the ARRL field day in Alaska had a good turnout and people were enjoying their experience with ham radio.

  • 00:00 📻 The AWRL field day in Alaska has a good turnout with antennas everywhere, but the bands are not cooperating.
    • 02:38 📻 The speaker discusses their experience with digital modes and their radio setup during the Alaska Summer Field Day.
      • 03:24 📡 The speaker discusses the different antennas they have set up for the field day, including the Buddy pole, the Ft. 891, and the tx500, and mentions that John is using a link in fed half wave antenna.
        • 04:41 📡 The speaker discusses their pre-tuned linked antennas for different frequencies, including designs they created themselves using copper and aluminum tubing, along with a vertical setup.
          • 06:09 😄 The speaker discusses a setup for HF with a charge controller and one battery, along with a Kodiak canvas tent and a buddy heater in the back of a truck.
            • 06:55 📻 No luck making contacts yet, but I appreciate the support and will continue trying with my mobile rig.
              • 07:47 😄 Everyone in Alaska is adapting to their circumstances and having a great time, except for one person whose tent blew over due to a rookie mistake.
                • 09:18 👋 Good turnout at the 2023 Alaska Summer Field Day with many new people interested in ham radio.

                  Summary for: https://youtu.be/8bwRqF_pBc0 by Eightify
